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Pictures from Cascadia Permaculture's Permaculture Design Courses and Advanced Permaculture Teacher trainings.
Advanced Permaculture Teacher Trainings
Permaculture Design Courses
Creek Restoration
Wilson Creek Gardens
Seasonal pictures from Wilson Creek Gardens, Cottage Grove OR
IMG 0041
IMG 0736
IMG 3663
IMG 0725
IMG 4696
IMG 5045
2013-08-11 19.14.02
IMG 5943
fall garden 1
IMG 5953
Towee babies in chicken yd laurel wcg
IMG 9824
IMG 9785 copy
IMG 9814
IMG 9987
IMG 9995
Cedar Nest 2013
Cedar nest2 10.9.13
Cedar nest 10.9.13
Delivery of recycled materials
CN 2 - 2013
CN 3 - 2013
CN 1 - 2013
IMG 8271
IMG 9112
CN 4 - 2013
WCG Small House 4.7.14
WCG Small House 1
IMG 9092
WCG Small House2
Creek Restoration
Creek Restoration
IPC, PTT & PDC India 2017
UN Garden 2016
UN Garden 2016