Sharing Knowledge is Regenerative, Empowering and Part of the Permaculture Solution
Listen to Jude’s interview on The Permaculture Podcast describing this course, and read Scott Mann’s course review.
Cascadia Permaculture’s Advanced Teacher Training Courses
These courses offer an opportunity for participants to follow a path
toward Right Livelihood
This course is now filled, if interested, complete the Survey for the 2026 Course
ONLINE Permaculture Teacher Training
January 11 & 18 February 1, 8 & 22 March 1 & 8
Class size limited to 10 participants
Participants will watch module presentation videos (average video time is 40 minutes) on YouTube prior to our Zoom meetings which will take place Saturdays 8:00 – 12:00 (PST)
During Zoom we will cover the areas described in the attached course syllabus.
Important aspects of this course are for participants to have the opportunity to:
Have group discussions and interactive activities via break-outs (rooms on Zoom),
offer presentations to the group and be co-facilitators of the course during the Zoom meetings.
Vancouver Island, B.C.
Dates: March 15 – 23
(first day is arrival, last day departure)
Instructor: Jude Hobbs
Host: OUREcovillage Vancouver Island, B.C. (
Includes: Instruction, the e-book, Cascadia Permaculture Educator’s Guide by J. Hobbs and other course materials
Houston, Texas
Dates: August 3 – 9
Instructors: Jude Hobbs and Carol Burton
Host: Urban Harvest
Contact: Carol Burton
Includes: Instruction, the e-book, Cascadia Permaculture Educator’s Guide by J. Hobbs and other course materials
General Pc Teacher Training Information
Contact Jude with any questions:
Prerequisite: Permaculture Design Course Certificate or instructor’s approval.
This Certificate Course is offered by an Instructor from the Permaculture Institute of North America.
Empower yourself to advocate for change through whole systems teaching and design. In this dynamic and interactive course, you will learn impactful teaching techniques to communicate and apply Permaculture (Pc) principles and strategies to a wide variety of audiences and educational settings. Jude utilizes a combination of diverse teaching modalities; including effective use of lecture, storytelling, power points, structured discussion, small groups, interactive experiential activities, visual aids and hands-on experiences. These assist participants to gain the tools needed to teach multiple ways of sharing information. As a group we facilitate a safe setting of active learning, building confidence by experiencing essential practice via preparing and co-teaching a variety presentations. We appreciate the unique skills and experiences of those attending and cultivate building strong networks to support one another via group projects and connections post-course. We have had great success teaching and are advocates for the Mollisonian Standard Permaculture Design Course curriculum. We also believe each course, or workshop, taught needs to speak directly to local conditions and the specific skills of the presenters’ team.
The focus of this course is not specifically about teaching Permaculture Design Courses but to guide participants to share information in many types of situations, such as workshops, libraries, schools and other venues.
Course Topics Include:
• Philosophy and Ethics of Being an Instructor • The Art of Teaching and Facilitation • Adult Learning Styles • Building Curriculum and Lesson Plans • Presentation Techniques • Experiential Learning Activities • Co-Instructing • Time Management • Cultural Diversity & Social Justice • Venue Logistics, Course Planning, Marketing and Budgets • Interns, Apprentices and Mentors • Evaluations and Feedback • Tips from the Trade • Keeping Up The Spirit • Self-care • Right Livelihood •Extensive Resources and More

Interactive Activity during PTT